Thursday, November 17, 2005

Coke Zero frightens me.

The sky is still amazingly blue. It makes me smile.

My job is so boring.. i've had too much space to think today. I'm trying to figure out why I am so inept with dealing with real people. Customer service on the phone, no problem. I can cool the most irate person.

But real, face-to-face interaction? I'm so inept :/

I fear people. I don't know why. And this fear causes me to dislike almost everyone, yet latch onto those few people I do allow in, and care a little too much.

I still wish him well.

I wish I knew why this weekend happened. Or why it seems to be an odd trend that every Oct/Nov something awful seems to happen to me. But it's almost next weekend. Thank god. And it's only a week till payday, which is good, because I've cured the hurt of an awful and expensive weekend, by spending way too much money this week.

7 mins left of break, 4 hours left of work, time will just keep ticking on.

I'm finding, as I attempt to eat my lunch, that I don't like fast food anymore. This pleases me :)


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