Friday, November 18, 2005

Is this supposed to make me feel better? // quarter-life crisis

Today's Horoscope:

Although your stress level is high, a solution to your problems is on the way. You must, however, be open to the love that's around you. The conflicts you are feeling aren't about external circumstances, even if that's the illusion. These are internally driven issues and as long as you hold onto the past, you will miss an opportunity to move into the future. Let go and enjoy yourself without trying to figure it all out now.

and tomorrow's...

Your energy may feel blocked today, like you know what you want and cannot get it. Being patient is difficult for you Aries, but you've worked long and hard to reach this point. Don't blow it by trying to push for something that's just not going to happen yet. Give it time. Success can be yours if you are patient and persistent.

Patient AND persistant? How can I be both?!

And, my "Weekend Love Horoscope" seems like it's shown up a week too late: >:/

Your key planet Mars is forced up against stern Saturn on Friday, making for a serious weekend. Keep it simple by inviting someone to your home or going to a familiar place, rather than jumping into a chaotic situation with a bunch of people you don't know very well.

good advice.

In an attempt to glue the last shards of my sanity together, I'm going to make a list this weekend of New Year's Resolutions. Yes, I know I'm early, but I generally forget come January 1st anyway :) I'm going to make a list of 50 things that I want to accomplish by the end of 2006. Sounds like a lot, but really... I said that 2004 was the worst year of my life, and 2005 is coming up as a close second. I can't continue on this way if I want to survive. And next year is the big 2-5 :/ I'm getting old, I haven't accomplished anything... and it's time for that to change!

Thanx to those who have been there for me this year. Most of you know who you are =)

I am determined that the sun will rise tomorrow and it will be a new day. Interesting concept.

And after tomorrow, it's the fucking weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's about time. Friday night I hope will involve much drunkenness. Saturday night is all-night LQ w/ BJ. Sunday, I will sleep the day away and then make cookies.

I want to move to Vancouver. Screw this province. No offence to everyone, but I can't stand this place anymore. I can't stand everyone's opinions and preconceptions of me. It may be running away, but I just want to start again.

For now though... I want to relax. Starbucks peppermint mochas make me a happy girl.

(I hope this weekend will be fun enough to help me forget things, and help me restrain this crazy urge to call ------. I don't know what the hell is wrong with me. It's over. It's OVER. It doesn't matter how much I think he cared, the truth is, he doesn't give half a shit. I need to accept this. Why is it so hard??????? I thought I was worth at least a sentence, a fuck off, a slap in the face. Silence just kills me.)


Must drink pepperminty goodness and think of Christmas. It's too cloudy to find a star to wish on, but even if I could see one, what would I wish for?

This is getting long and really has no point.

Oyasumi Nasai.

current music: 1000 Words - Koda Kumi
iScrobbler seems to be broken. :/ Apparently I have 25 songs queued for submission.


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